Bullying Kids Caught Calling Bus Monitor “Fat”, Harass Her To The Point Of Tears [VIDEO]

June 20, 2012

“We live in a culture of insults… we tear [people] down to feel better about ourselves… We think because it’s done anonymously there are no ramifications. But there are ramifications, guys, because it makes you comfortable with insensitivity.” Ian Brennan, “A Night Of Neglect”

Below is a video featuring a crew of Brighton, New York middle school brats harassing their bus monitor, calling her names and poking her body. One student saw the video online, uploaded to a fellow classmate’s Facebook account. Disagreeing with the kids’ actions, he ripped the video off of the social networking site and uploaded it to his YouTube account.

WARNING: It is difficult to watch/listen to this video.

The kid goes on to confess, “I know all the kids in the video. The reason they do it is because she can understand everything they say. She has a hearing aid.

The children have since been identified as students of the Greece Central School District in North Greece, NY. No word from the Superintendent on how the district will handle the matter.

What caused the kids to act out in such a manner? Did these kids learn this kind of disrespect from the anonymity of the world-wide web? How do we properly punish these actions?

It’s apparent that bullying will never die. Kids are IDIOTS, have been always will be. The internet didn’t make this generation dumb. Years ago, I asked my little brother (ten years my junior) to describe the internet: he said it was “a tool that can be shaped into whatever you want it to be.” When I asked him what he meant by “tool”, he replied with:

“You know how the pen is mightier than the sword? The internet’s like that pen, but now it has an encyclopedia, cameraman, lawyer, judge, and jury…” I’m sure the list he gave is now far incomplete.

Maybe some of us aren’t ready for the internet “tool”. Just last month, one mom reprimanded her daughter’s digital misuse by posting this photo online:

“Since I want to post photos of me holding liquor, I am obviously not ready for social media and will be taking a hiatus until I learn what I should and should not post. BYE-BYE :(“

When I was 14, I held up a bottle of liquor to show off to my friends. Did it impress anyone? Absolutely not. When a kid does it today, is he celebrated? No, but today’s kids face the burden of holding their actions accountable in front of a much larger, and much less forgiving audience. It’s not your just one circle of friends bearing witness – it’s a culmination of each individuals social network. Sometimes, that network is bigger than we all think…

“We live in a culture of insults.  I mean, we’re constantly bombarded with these images of people who are richer than us and happier than us, and have more interesting sex than us, and it makes us feel terrible. You know, we tear them down to feel better about ourselves, but we don’t just stop with the people who are on TV and magazines we do it to everyone, and we think because it’s done anonymously there are no ramifications. But there are ramifications, guys, because it makes you comfortable with insensitivity.”

[Source: Reddit, TV.com via FOX’s GLEE, Clutch Magazine via ReShonda Tate Billingsley]

The Biggest Drug Bust In Mexico’s History Featuring “Catholic” Homer Simpson

October 21, 2010

Song of the Day  :  The Pusher – Steppenwolf

Homer Simpson marked marijuna found in Mexico

Does this mean the Vatican supports smokin’ a doobie?

From an article published in the official Vatican newspaper, the Osservatore Romano :

“Few people know it, and he does everything to hide it. But it’s true: Homer J. Simpson is Catholic. [The Simpsons is] tender and irreverent, scandalous and ironic, boisterous and profound, philosophical and sometimes even theological, nutty synthesis of pop culture and of the lukewarm and nihilistic American middle class…among the few TV programs for kids in which Christian faith, religion and questions about God are recurrent themes.”

Paired with this little discovery from the CBS News website…

In one of the biggest pot busts in recent years, Mexican authorities seized at least 105 tons of marijuana bound for the U.S. The drugs, seized in predawn raids in Tijuana, have an estimated street value of $340 million. Festooning some of the parcels with an image of Homer Simpson saying, “I’m going to get high, dude!” may appear naive. But considering the Vatican’s newspaper declared Homer Simpson a “true Catholic” over the weekend, perhaps it was more a coded plea for clemency.


{ Check out the full story }

Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger Reminisce Of Psychedelic Omelette

October 20, 2010

Song of the Day  :  The Joker – Steve Miller Band

Jerry Hall tells us about Mick Jagger and the psychedelic mushroom omelette

Wait, did that really just happen?

Jerry Hall, the former wife of Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger, sat down with Food Monthly magazine and had a delightful conversation filled with anecdotal laughter. The conversation started off simply enough – first they talked wine, cheese, or whatever Food Monthly subscribers like to read about. Then the juices started flowing and Jerry served up a story hot with scandal!

Did you know that Mick Jagger experimented with drugs??

{ An always fun pyschedelic mushroom story }

Elton John Bashes Today’s Pop Stars, Calls Them ‘Pretty Awful’

October 19, 2010

Song of the Day  :  Your Song – Elton John

Elton John takes time to put the pop stars of today in their place

Well we’re glad somebody finally stood up and said something. Elton John, famous the world over for crafting a number of great songs of our time (“Your Song”, “Tiny Dancer”, “Candle In The Wind”, “Circle Of Life”… oh yeah and “Bennie And The Jets”) recently told a British magazine:

“Songwriters today are pretty awful, which is why everything sounds the same. Contemporary pop isn’t very inspiring.”

Oh no he di’nt!

{ What else did he say? }

Bruce Springsteen Photo Bombs Couple’s Engagement Photo… In Jersey!

October 19, 2010


Song of the Day  :  Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen

Celebrity Guest for engagement photos? Yes please

What is a photo bomber you may ask? Well, we weren’t all that sure either. Thanks to our good friends at UrbanDictionary.com, we were able to find the most comprehensive definition. According to their website, a photo bomber is “someone who either intentionally or unintentionally ruins an otherwise normal photo. The ‘photo bomber’ will be doing such things as: making faces, gestures, naked, or getting naked, in a costume, or doing some other equally hilarious action.”

It doesn’t seem like The Boss is doing anything to ruin this couple’s photos… maybe this is his take on guerilla marketing for his new release – The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town?

{ How did the get so lucky? }

Willy Wonka’s Three-Course Gum To Become Reality!

October 18, 2010


Song of the Day  :  Savoy Truffle – The Beatles

Willy Wonka's Three Course Gum Is So Close we can taste it!

Stride gum has a wonderful new flavor. It’s called Shift – a gum that takes your mouth through a magical journey, first tasting like citrus and then shifting to a fresh minty breeze. Not the greatest combination in our opinion, but the sensation is nothing short of bewilderment.

This gum got us thinking. Wasn’t there a tale, years ago, about a man trying to revolutionize the gum-chewing industry? A crazy candy scientist who believed gum could not only change flavors, but satisfy a craving for an entire meal?

That man was Willy Wonka. While he may have only been a fictional character, his ideas were as concrete as they come. Now, scientists are piggybacking on Wonka’s dreams and finding some great discoveries along the way.

{ Which of Wonka’s innovations will we see first? }

“Doc Ellis And The LSD No No” Welcomes The World

October 15, 2010

Song of the Day  :  Centerfield – Creedence Clearwater Revival

Really, is there anything better than baseball? America’s pastime has buried itself deep in our country’s psyche as early as the 1850’s, and it seems that the sport only gains momentum each and every year. Stats versus luck, city against city, home at away, 12 dollar beers or pregame it… everybody approaches the game differently. No matter what your tradition is, the sensations are all the same – against all odds, can we pull off the most important win of the season?

At least that’s how it feels when we’re sitting in the bookies office.

Doing some research, we stumbled across a very important game in the history of baseball: Doc Ellis, former Pittsburgh Pirate recollects of pitching his prestigious no-hitter… on LSD. Don’t believe us? Check out this video and learn what it really means to be a baseball great.

{ The ball keeps growing and shrinking }

Jackass 3D Red Carpet Premiere Recap

October 14, 2010

Song of the Day  :  We Want Fun – Andrew W.K.

I usually don’t like to use the word “epic” when I write. I feel it’s overused. “Man, that movie was epic,” or “Your grandma’s blueberry muffins are freakin’ epic, brah,” or “Dude – I just took an epic dump. Check it out!”

Epic has lost its meaning. The word should be reserved for events that take a person’s breath away, keeps blood from flowing to their brain, and leaves the person so anxious and yearning for more that they can’t help but cherish every moment in the hopes that this memory will serve as a point in which everything else will be compared.

Ladies and gentlemen – The Jackass 3D red carpet premiere event was epic.

{ Check out which surprise guests showed up }

[Photo Gallery] Jackass 3D Red Carpet Premiere Recap

October 14, 2010

“Jackass 3-D” Red Carpet Premiere Declared “Epic”

October 14, 2010

For this week’s installment of The Guest List, our friend Jordy Altman hit the red carpet to interview the intellectual giants of “Jackass 3-D.”

I usually don’t like to use the word “epic” when I write. I feel it’s overused. “Man, that movie was epic,” or “Your grandma’s blueberry muffins are freakin’ epic, brah,” or “Dude – I just took an epic dump. Check it out!”

Epic has lost its meaning. The word should be reserved for events that take a person’s breath away, keeps blood from flowing to their brain, and leaves the person so anxious and yearning for more that they can’t help but cherish every moment in the hopes that this memory will serve as a point in which everything else will be compared.

Ladies and gentlemen – The Jackass 3D red carpet premiere event was epic.

Jackass 3-D premiere: which surprise guests showed up?